Habits and skills are the same thing
There are some people who differentiate between habits and skills. I don't.
Wendy Wood
What a great line to start a video with, sucked me right in. I had never considered that these two things could in fact be the same thing.
But it makes sense.
Repeated enough, habits do become skills. Developing a skill is developing a habit. The only way to develop a skill is to make a habit of it until you've done it enough that is becomes automatic.
This was most certainly the case for me when it came to things like swimming and learning Japanese. I made a habit out of it until it just became second nature.
So I guess it's a matter of building habits. Of doing something repeatedly until you forget what it's like to not know how to do it. And how do you do that?
A little and a lot.
Promise yourself to do something to work towards the habit/skill every day. Put it in your calendar. And then do it.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan