Be your own Andy Warhol

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Anybody can do what I do - Andy Warhol.

Of all the celebrities in the world, Andy Warhol just happens to be the one I share a birthday with. I also share a matter of opinion with him too:

Anybody can do what I do

Andy Warhol

He’s right. But also wrong.

You can do what Andy Warhol did. You can change the world with your art. You can produce pieces of art that move people and culture. You can change the way people think through the medium of art. You can produce something that the world stares at in awe, and make a true impact.

If you want to.

We all have the ability to produce something of value.

Where Andy is wrong is that, we can’t do exactly what he did. We can’t make the same pieces of work, we can’t be the celebrity that he was.

But we can certainly try our own version of it.

We can be our own Andy Warhol.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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