Cabin Fever? Try this Yamabushi advice

aerial photography of house field and trees covered with snow

I keep comparing this staying indoors to Yamabushi training. During training, we spend a lot of time indoors, mainly either sleeping or praying, although we do also spend extensive time outdoors. Anyway, besides that, there is one huge difference.

This Coronavirus, we have no clue when it will end. But there is a bit of Yamabushi advice we can take, and that is as much as possible to live in the moment, or in other words, take it day by day, step by step. Focus on making your day the best it can be, and don’t focus too much on the future or the past (as much as possible do neither, you’ll only get anxious).

How can you do that though? Meditation is one way. Another way is to name three things you are grateful for. Or, try something that is challenging enough you have to focus on it or you fail.

For me, that is pouring some coffee drip-style without having the water pour out all at once, that takes practice and concentration. Other things could be working on your balance, like the tree stance in yoga, or something like balancing a book on your head. Either way, take it day by day 🙂



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If you have to ask
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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