A range of drinks made using Dutch coffee filters, otherwise known as Mizudashi, in a chic building with excellent decor. Great location, great coffee, you cannot ask for more.
Kissa Cloak
Yamagata-ken, Sakata-shi, Izumicho, 5-35
Open Hours
Tuesdays, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
Credit card:
Not available
Tim Bunting (@kiwiyamabushi) is a self-professed Dewa Sanzan nerd from New Zealand who became an official Dewa Sanzan Yamabushi in 2017.
He is currently helping develop the Dewa Sanzan into a global retreat centre among other jobs. Check out yamabushido.jp or dewasanzan.com for more on this wonderful area of Japan, or email him using the form below.