Do something

young active skater leaping high in park

If you have an inkling to try something new, my advice is that you do it. This inkling is your soul telling you do to things.

Don't know what to do with your life? Good, you have nothing to lose. Try something. Worst case scenario you find it's not for you. Best case scenario you find out it is what you wanted to do with your life.

The only way to know whether something works or not is to try it. The only way to know whether you enjoy doing something is to do it. No posturing, no hypotheticals, actually getting down to business.

Often we are afraid of doing new things for fear of the unknown, for fear of being embarrassed, for fear of looking fool like a fool. We don't want to do something only to turn around and say 'no, that was a waste of time'. This much is understandable.

However, you only truly ever gain by having tried something. Only once you've done something can you truly know if it was worth doing in the first place. Doing something lets you know whether it would be worth continuing as much as it lets you know it wouldn't. Not doing something only leaves you with questions.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Get In Touch

Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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