Feelings that ebb and flow

body of water during golden hour

This isn't exactly the yamabushi way, but whenever flustered, a bit overworked or just not feeling right, make a point of putting down what you are feeling into words. The feelings may be incoherent at first, and you may not know how to express your thoughts succinctly, but putting them down into words helps you process the feelings and also moves you closer to clarifying them as well.

Doing so frequently also allows you to look for patterns, it allows you to see whether these feelings are just a one off thing or like a wave that ebbs and flows, and importantly whether they need to be actioned upon.

The non-yamabushi part is the simple act of writing, which takes you out of living in the moment. But I guess if you're not actively doing yamabushi training at the moment, and you haven't had the time in nature to process these thoughts, doing something like this can be just as beneficial.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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