In Transition
That’s one way of putting it. And you’re probably right too. Being in transition. Not here, nor there, but somewhere in between.
Because when are we not in transition? When are we not moving from A to B? There are times when we certainly feel as if we are not moving at all.
We are indeed in transition. We are all some way between our current and future selves. However we get to wherever there may be, we need to recognise that our current selves are not the final version. We are still a work in progress.
Does that mean we shouldn’t expect the best of ourselves? Hell no. Always expect the best of yourself. But when past you wasn’t the best you could have been, don’t fret. Past you too was also in transition.
Stop to take in the moment for a second, and move forward. Recognise that you are in transition, and let it lead you forward in that transition.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan