Long-term Productivity: The Best Way to Guarantee Good Jobs

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Work for tomorrow's work. This is something I wish I could teach my younger self, or force my younger self to do, and is by far the best way to get the better jobs.

There have been a number of times when I felt 'job's done, move on'. When in reality, there was still follow-up that could have, which meant it should have, been done. There were too many times where I was going for productivity, trying to see how much I could earn in a certain amount of time. What rubbish. What's really important is doing the job for tomorrow, for your next job. Putting the pride in your work so that you build a reputation that gets you more, better work in the future. Not short-term productivity. Long-term productivity.

In most cases, the follow up is the more important work, the more valuable work, because it shows your attitude, and your real love for doing the job in the first place. This is true not only for others seeing you do it, but for yourself as well. People pay for the extra love. If you love something, show us, do the follow up work and take pride in it as you do so. Focus on the long-term productivity and you can truly deserve the better jobs.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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