Make enough enough

man wearing black cap with eyes closed under cloudy sky

Make do with, and without

During Yamabushi training last week I was away from it all. At one point, at least five or so days in, I overheard music coming from the kitchen. It was probably Justin Bieber or something else I don’t listen to, but for whatever reason in that moment I remember thinking ‘oh, that’s right, music exists!’. Coming from a lover of music, this was quite the realisation to have.

I’m the kind of person who has to have some sort of background noise. If I don’t have music on, it’s a podcast, or god forbid the TV. But this week helped me realise that I don’t actually need all that stuff. It helped me realise that I already have enough. That I already have what I need, and that’s all I need.

Make enough enough. Do with what you’ve got. And every once in a while, do without what you’ve got. It’s surprising how well we can survive without the comforts of modern life. I’d definitely suggest giving it a try.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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