Making progress and the hardest part of Yamabushi training

For me, sitting on the floor has always been one of the hardest parts of Yamabushi training. For those who are used to it, there’s nothing to it, like the Buddhist monk and yoga instructor I know who have no problem sitting in full lotus for hours on end.

That wasn’t the case for me, and I was always wriggling and squirming just so I could be somewhat comfortable, but that can bother other people, let alone myself, during training. So I decided to do something about it.

Since August last year, I have been doing the 21-day hip opening challenge on repeat. Since I haven’t been going out much, nor been doing Yamabushi training, I haven’t needed to sit on the floor as much, so I didn’t have anything to really gauge my progress.

Yesterday though, we had dinner at a Japanese restaurant (socially-distanced of course), and I had to sit on the floor. I’m happy to say that I have most definitely made progress. I can even do a half-lotus, which had never been possible.

Doing 15 minutes per day is not that much of a burden, especially if you make it a habit. In fact, I would highly recommend it! Now when I get up I don’t even think about it, I just go into the room with the yoga mat and begin, well after doing my Wim Hof breathing that is.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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