Our path is our path

What advice do you have for your 20 year-old self? What advice do you have for your 30 year-old self? Have you ever asked yourself such questions? I got this from the Tim Ferriss podcast in case you’re interested, but one similar question I’ve been playing with is, would you recommend people copy the path you took, given the same opportunities? Because to be honest, I’m not sure I would.

This is all hypothetical of course, so it’s impossible to know for sure, plus it’s in the past, so we have the advantage of hindsight. However, there are some parts of my path that I would definitely recommend, for example going to Japan and going out and meeting a whole lot of people, and there are some parts I wouldn’t recommend, like binge drinking, which is somewhat related to the first part.

So, as a whole, I’m not sure I’d recommend my path, but unfortunately we have no choice. Our path is our path, and each decision has an impact on the next one, and that one the next and so on and so on. And so if you were to take the negative experiences out and just leave the positive ones, I’m not sure it would be the same. The negative experiences teach us things that we want to avoid doing, which in turn is a positive, right?

So I’d say, just enjoy it for what it is! Negative or positive, just being here and being able to experience it is positive enough for me 🙂 keep on keeping on!



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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