Practice runs: I did it again. Twice.
The first time I forgot to press the record button for the sound. The second time I forgot that I had turned off the mike. I guess this is all part of the learning curve, but I have to think of it as practice. I've now gone through a lot of the lines so they are there on the tip of my tongue. Now all I have to do is piece it together and make sure I'm recording! I guess that's the disadvantage of doing things by yourself. Anyway, I'm making progress on getting my video making process shorter, I did the script in less than an hour today. Yesterday I probably spent about 3 hours on a 4 minute video. Either way, it's all in the name of becoming a better communicator, and hopefully helping people along the way, which is the main aim of becoming a better communicator in the first place 🙂
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan