Put the context in your favour
If you really want to make a change, if you really want to shift the dial, make sure you at least place yourself in the right context. Not only that, if it’s something you really want to do, your attitude needs to show it.
A teacher can only provide an environment for our learning. We are the ones who do the learning.
Too often we give the responsibility of our learning to our teacher. We expect them to be the giver of knowledge, which is fine, but to actually take that knowledge on board, we need to be the ones to take the first step. We need to be the ones to put ourselves forward, and to put our feet on the ground.
Not only do we need to make sure we have the right environment for learning, we have to make sure we have the right attitude, and to show it too.
In other words, we need to put the context in our favour. We need to make sure the stars align, and then we need to show up. That’s how we move the dial.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan