Quality over quality
Don't worry about the quality of the medium first, worry about the quality of the post. YouTube, blogs, Instagram, FB, whatever, if the content you are posting is good quality, it can and will do well. I've watched some horrendously filmed videos and thoroughly enjoyed them because the content was good quality, and I've also seen some greatly edited work where the quality of the content was not there. Guess which one I continued watching? What this shows is that the real thing that matters is the quality of the content, i.e. the message or the story, not the quality of the medium. Of course if you can have both, even better, but we should be focusing our energy on producing top-quality content over top-quality medium.
This is a reminder that you don't need the highest-quality equipment to make good quality work. You can practice getting that quality too, but doing something about it everyday, and you can also practice getting the quality of the medium up to a certain level so that when quality ideas come your way, you have a quality way of releasing them.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan