The on switch
When I was 15 I worked in a pizza shop. It was a great experience looking back. I met one guy who taught me not to get into credit card debt, and that the pizza sandwich was indeed a concept.
However, one thing I remember well was my boss taught me to treat putting on the cap as the on switch. Every time we work, we have to put on our cap, and every time we work, we have to be switched on. It’s only logical.
I have tried to carry this concept with me wherever I go and whenever I work. As a Yamabushi, it’s pretty easy to do so, and our Shiroshozoku have that role anyway, but the on switch could be as simple as buttoning up your shirt, combing your hair, or brushing your teeth. If you don’t already do something like this, try it 🙂
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan