The one constant

Genso No Mori: The Forest of Illusions in Tozawa Village, Yamagata

Our lives are inexplicably complex. I was thinking of how I would explain the situation I’m in to someone who doesn’t know me, and I just kept remembering layers and layers of stuff that is all important and all contributes to who I am right now. In short, it would take a very long time just to explain the basics.

So I gave up thinking about that. But this little exercise reminded me of the one constant. The one thing that we can always go back to, and the one thing that we can always rely on. Nature.

I do believe that the answer lies within, and I do believe that nature has the power to draw it out of us.

No matter where we are, no matter who we are, no matter what we are, nature has our back. In whatever situation you find yourself in, you find that you can always go back to nature to rediscover your inner self.

Knowledge of this one constant alone is encouraging. Knowledge that we always have something to fall back on, no matter how tough of a situation we find ourselves in. So when you’re feeling overwhelmed, get outside! It doesn’t matter how you do it, get outside and appreciate nature for all it does for us.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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