What you’re evaluated on
What you're evaluated on determines what you do. Change what you're evaluated on and you change what you do.
This is where your priorities for life come into play. If you prioritize what other people think of you, ie you set yourself up to be evaluated by other people, your actions will be determined by those people. This can be fine if those people have your best interests at heart, ie they are family or close friends, but sometimes your gut feeling is different to what those people say should be done. That's why you should be the only person to determine what you are evaluated on. Make sure it's doable and admirable and not self-sacrificing.
The same goes for other people too. If you're in charge of what someone else does, such as the role of a teacher, pay attention to what you're evaluating people on. Don't expect them to do well in something you're not evaluating them for.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan