Working with Notion versus Wix

I've discussed my issues using Wix to try and use a spreadsheet to set up a website, and to be honest, I kinda gave up on it. It's quite a bit of effort to get the blog posts you want to show up where you want them to, way more difficult than it should be, and it's quite troublesome to duplicate items. Probably the biggest let down for me was that I can't have a whole article like the ones I have been working on (I especially like the Kumanonagamine article) there at the bottom. I'd rather have the blog posts on the same page as the information, and this isn't looking possible for varied lengths of articles 🙁 (I'm working on a Mt. Gassan article at the moment, and for a major mountain like that so far it's a 20 minute read!).

It was extremely simple for me to set up a page of the 100 Famous Mountains of Yamagata on Notion. I basically just uploaded the .CSV file I had made, and it is much easier to modify than it is on the Wix system. I still need to do a bit of work to get it looking as slick as I want it to, and these aren't web pages as I had imagined, but having a searchable database like this I think is very helpful for people wanting a grand view of all of the mountains to offer. I'm looking forward to expanding my use of Notion in the future, as it seems like a very user-friendly and adaptable web-based application.

So, I'm at a bit of a crossroads in terms of what to do with the Wix subscription I already paid for. I thought about doing some sort of online magazine featuring the mountains, and still may do that. But for now, I'm going to do a bit of exploring with Notion.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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