Your part in the journey
Everyone is equal precisely because we are at different points along our journey. Those who are ahead, look to them for advice. Those who are behind, look to lift them up.
Never be dejected for not being far along in your journey. Focus your actions on getting to where we want to be. You will get there in due time.
Never treat people as lesser. We too were where they are now sometime in the past. We too were able to benefit from the advice of those ahead of us.
Know your position, but know it is mobile. Know we are all moving one way or another.
Give yourself and others the space they need to move along their path. Everything is a process.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan
So you’re starting out something new; a new language, a new art, a new social media even, but you’re worried that everyone is so far ahead of you and that you’d never be able to catch up. Besides the obvious ‘they’ve been in your shoes, now it’s your turn to…
In "Blog"
Was biking home today along a windy riverbank. As always, I was trying to go fast, and there were these two high school students ahead that I tried and succeeded in overtaking. Ride on about another km and I turn around before making a turn and realised one of them…
In "blog"
Why do I live in Yamagata? Why don’t I live in Tokyo or Osaka with the rest of them?
In "Feature Articles"