An example of what you shouldn’t do

At the pool the other day I pull up next to a car and notice that there’s someone in it. An old dude. Reading manga. Listening to the radio pretty loud for such a confined place with the familiar whir of the heater humming. I think to myself, he’s probably just waiting for his wife or something, should be gone soon.

I go into the pool, and probably about an hour later return to my car. He’s still there. Still in the same spot listening to the same radio station, but by now probably on a different manga book.

Who does that? Is he a loner? Is it cheaper for him to keep his car warm than his house? What would drive someone to be so wasteful? Is he purposely trying to negate all our effort put into recycling and trying to use less electricity?

Please don’t do this. This is an example of what you shouldn’t do. So ironic that the term mottainai is Japanese.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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