Beware the comfort

When you are completely comfortable, it might as well be the end.

When we have comfort, we do everything we can to keep it. This means not taking on new challenges or anything that would risk that comfort.

The trick is to be as comfortable as you can while having some form of discomfort to keep you on your toes.

Statistics show that the ages at which we have the greatest chance of dying are the first years of life, and the year you retire. The first years of life are explainable, but the year after you retire?

This shows just how important work is for humans. Simple work after retiring is fine. Work for the sake of work. But I think this is a type of discomfort that is important for us.

If you really want to get into it, you could try doing what Marcus Aurelius did and have dedicated times throughout the month to live as simple as possible. Wearing the most simple clothes, eating the most simple things. I guess you could say this is a way of finding comfort in discomfort. Although this is more to help you appreciate everything you do have.

Either way, a little discomfort never hurt anyone.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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