Dealing with rejection
Sometimes the edges prune themselves.
When you’ve been rejected, it is much too easy to turn the focus on where you went wrong, what you could have done differently.
‘I should have seen the signs.’
‘I shouldn’t have trusted them in the first place.’
‘I should have tried harder.’
Should have, shouldn’t have. That’s the thing, rejection is already in the past.
What’s done is done. No point crying over spilled milk.
And when it comes to rejection, you’re simply pruning the edges. Or, you could say, rejection is someone pruning the edges for you. That’s one decision you didn’t need to make.
Then once the edge is pruned, we can get back to what it was we were originally planning on doing.
The milk is spilled already. Nothing to cry over. Pick yourself up, and move on.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan