The Bunting Family

Tim Bunting AKA Kiwi Yamabushi on Zao-san

I've started working on a family tree here. The description of my maternal family starts here. The description of my paternal family starts here.

Timothy Sean Gerard Bunting (me)

I, Timothy Sean Gerard Bunting, was born at Hutt Hospital on the 6th of August, 1988 at 9:31am. I moved to Japan in late August 2010. I met my wife Taeka Itagaki born October 16, 1984, from Sakata, Yamagata, on December 11, 2010. We got engaged on July 13, 2014, and got married on December 11, 2014. We have two daughters, Toa (斗愛)Alison Bunting born December 13, 2022, and Mana (愛菜) Bunting born October 1, 2024.

My parents

My mother is Alison Mary Barry, born 6 February, 1960 in Hutt Hospital. My father was Derek Gerard Bunting, born 13 July, 1953, in Christchurch, died April 25, 2016 (exactly 100 years after his mother, Molly Bunting, was born).

My Dad was one of the best people I have ever known. He died while climbing the Paekakariki Escarpment on the day it was opened. He died near the 5th kilometre marker, about halfway.

My brother and sister

My brother John David Bunting was born on the 26th of May, 1984. He moved to Melbourne, Australia in 2010. David lives with his wife Kate and sons Remy Liam Forsyth-Bunting, born July 8, 2015, and Bon Derek Forsyth-Bunting, born April 8, 2021.

My sister Selina Barbara Russ was born on the 21st of July, 1986. She lives with her husband Daniel Russ (Dan), and daughter Alexis (Lexi) Ember Russ born October 15, 2019.

All three siblings were born in Hutt Hospital.

My mother's family

Grandad, my mum’s dad, was Ernest Albert (Ernie) Barry, born in Surrey, England on October 20, 1928, died December 2003. Grandad has a Wikipedia page. He too was an amazing man. He was even given an Order of the British Empire by the Queen. He was originally a plumber who moved to New Zealand in 1951. It took him 6 weeks by ship. Nana Barbara, my mum’s mum, was Eileen Barbara (Barbara) Toomath born 21st February, 1933, died 2015. She was an amazing baker (she once told me she especially enjoyed neenish tarts).

My mum has 4 siblings. Kenneth (Ken) Barry, born November 12, 1954, died in 2020, Janet Anne (Annie) Barry, my godmother, and then twins Uncle James Scott (Scott) who lives with great-aunty Kandice in Brisbane, and great-uncle Stephen who lives with Ann Taylor in Bristol, UK.

Kenneth has three children: Aaron, Rachel, and Nadia.
Anne has two children, Justine and Amy.
Scott has one child, James.
Stephen has two children, Nathan and Callum.

My Grandad's Family (Mum's Dad)

As previously mentioned, Grandad was born in Surrey, England. His father was Alexander Barry, and his mother was Florence Mary (Flo) Barry (I don't know her maiden name). Apparently Alexander was 6'6, but Flo was very short.

My Nana's Family (Mum's Mum)

(There is quite a lot on this side of the family, I am working through it and adding when I can. We can reliably trace back to Thomas Newell born in 1700).

My great-grandfather (Nana, my mum’s mum, Eileen Barbara Barry’s Father) was Edward Archibald Toomath (b. 1894, d. 1973, also found here). My great-grandmother (Nana’s mother) was Eileen Norah Maloney, (b. 18 August, 1899, in Thebarton, South Australia, Australia. d. 14 May, 1988 in Lower Hutt, Wellington). Edward Archibald fought in both world wars, his cenotaph record is here. has this on Eileen Norah Maloney:

When Eileen Norah Maloney was born on 18 August 1899, in Thebarton, South Australia, Australia, her father, Patrick Moloney, was 30 and her mother, Bridget Quinn, was 34. She married Edward Archibald Toomath in 1924, in New Zealand. She died on 14 May 1988, in Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, at the age of 88, and was buried in Taitā Lawn Cemetery, Naenae, Wellington, New Zealand.

My great-great-grandfather (Nana’s grandfather) was William Toomath (b. December 11, 1865 in Greytown, South Wairarapa District, Wellington, New Zealand, d. March 20, 1956 (90) in Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand). He is buried at Bolton Street, Wellington, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand. William's Cenotaph can be found here.

My great-great-grandmother (Nana’s grandmother) was Janet Mackay Toomath (Whiteford) (b. May 12, 1869, d. June 10, 1946.). 

Janet and William also had a son Roderick Toomath, (Eileen Norah Maloney's brother) (b. July 9, 1895 in Kairanga, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand, d. July 15, 1893 in Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand, and also buried there. That would make Roderick my great-great-uncle (Nana's uncle). Nana's aunty, Amy Battersby (Toomath) (b. July 15, 1899, d. 1986, and I believe also buried in Taitā Lawn Cemetery) also visited our house in Lower Hutt.

My great-great-great-grandfather (Nana’s great-grandfather, William Toomath’s father) was Edward Toomath (b. May 22, 1817 in Belleek, Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, d. April 29, 1885 buried in Bolton Street, Wellington, New Zealand. A photo of Edward can be found here.

Edward's wife was Eliza Jane Toomath (nee Battersby, b. January 26, 1828, d. December 22, 1898 in Wellington. Eliza was buried at Sydney Street Cemetery, but her gravestone was removed to make way for the Wellington Highway). More information about her grave can be found on the Friends of Bolton Cemetery here, and her information is found on Geni, Find-a-grave, National Library of New Zealand). A photo of Eliza Jane can be found here.

The Dictionary of NZ Biography has this to say about Edward Toomath:

TOOMATH, EDWARD (1817-1885) was educated at the Battersea training institute, and after a few years soldiering taught in London and Northamptonshire schools. He came to New Zealand in the Cressy (one of the first four ships to Canterbury) as agent of the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, and taught in Lyttelton before settling in Wellington. In 1853 he was appointed to the Thorndon school, and in 1857 he founded private schools in Wellington and Greytown. He represented Wellington City in the Provincial Council (1856-61). Toomath was from 1871 to 1881 a member of the Wellington education board. He was an inspector of schools and both in and out of the Council he was one of the earliest advocates of free education. He later had a property at Kairanga, where he bred long-woolled sheep. He married (1850) Eliza Jane Battersby, of Cornwall, and died on 29 Apr 1885.

Cycl. NZ., i (p); Leckie; Ward.

Find-a-grave has this:

First school teacher in the Canterbury settlement, at Lyttelton; arrived on the ship ‘Cressy'. Later, became inspector of schools in Wellington and a provinicial councillor. His first wife died of cholera, very young, in England. His second wife was Eliza Jane Battersby (d 1898). He died 29 Apr 1885 aged 68; buried in Sydney Street Cemetery


Sacred to the memory of Eliza Battersby TOOMATH, second daughter of Edward & Eliza Jane TOOMATH, died 9 November 1859, aged 13 months. "Come home" Sacred to the memory of Edward TOOMATH, who died 29 April 1885, aged 68. "He rests trom his labours and his works do follow him". Also Emily TOOMATH, who fell asleep in Jesus 27 November 1881, aged 18 years, and Eliza Jane, wife of Edward TOOMATH, who died 22 December 1898, aged 71. "Resting, simply resting". Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Joseph HOLDSWORTH, who departed this life 22 December 1859, aged 38. Also Godfrey HOLDSWORTH, who departed this life 17 March 1874, aged 76. Also Nellie, who fell asleep 23 September 1882, aged 6 years. Ann C. Kate, beloved wife of D R PURDIE, fell asleep 16 November 1895. Elizabeth HOLDSWORTH, 25 January 1900 in her 99th year. Mary Ann SMITH, beloved wife of C W SMITH, fell asleep 1 February 1921, aged 74. Joseph Edward TOOMATH, eldest son of Edward & Eliza Jane TOOMATH, died 5 January 1866, aged 10 years & 6 months. "And he was not. For God took him"

Edward’s father was James Toomath, although there isn’t much on him, only an estimated birth between 1752 and 1812 (?). Edward’s mother, James’ wife, was Mary Jane Toomath (de Gruchy) (not to be confused with Edward’s daughter Mary Jane Halliwell (Toomath).

However, my Dad had found a bit on James Toomath.

Derek Bunting:

I am supposing / guessing that only James Toomath’s father was Edward and he spelt his name Toomath. James was born 1774, so guess Edward’s birth was 1745/50. 

Interestingly, Dad also had:

In 1695, [blank] Toomath married [blank] Hillard. 

The spelling is not certain. Toomath was a follower / soldier for William of Orange (Tim: the Bunting name apparently links here too): He was wounded in Ireland, stayed and married [blank] Hillard. Source: Mrs. Markam’s History of Ireland: Richard Toomath, Toronto, Canada: My earliest records of the name Toomath and its variations of the spellings start around 1740s. 

Derek Bunting

My great-great-great-grandfather (Nana’s great-grandfather, Janet’s father) was Archibald Whiteford (b. December 17, 1838 in Carstairs, Lanarkshire, Scotland (United Kingdom), d. June 7, 1910. Archibald is buried in Karori, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand). Janet’s mother was Eliza Ann Whiteford (Evans) (b. May 21, 1849, d. July 16, 1919 in Lower Hutt, also buried in Karori, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand). 

Eliza Ann Whiteford’s father was John Evans (b. June 21, 1815, in St Pancras, London, England (United Kingdom), d. July 25, 1862 in Cuba Street, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand. Eliza Ann Whiteford’s mother was Caroline Ann Evans (Mansfield)(b. November 29, 1819, in London, Greater London, England (United Kingdom), d. September 12, 1902 in Wellington, New Zealand.

Paternal grandparents, uncles, aunties, and cousins: The Bunting family:

Poppa, my dad’s dad, was Colin Frederick John Bunting born 1913, died 22 April, 2003. Nana Molly, my dad’s mum, was Marjorie Josephine Bunting (nee O’Boyle), born 1916, died December 12, 1996. Their graves are at Ruru Lawn Cemetery In Christchurch. Poppa's Cenotaph Record can be found here.

My Dad has two siblings. Colin who lives with Carol in Lincoln near Christchurch, and Christopher (my uncle Chris), my godfather, who lives in Timaru with Christine (my aunty Tine). My dad's older brother Russel died when he was two and is buried next to your great-grandparents in Christchurch.

Colin and Carol have four children: Mary-Therese, Joseph Peter, Kathryn Anne, and Rachel Sarah Ngaire (Rara).
Chris and Tine have two children: Amy and Emma.

By training I am a geologist. When describing the geological history of a region the convention is to begin the history from the earliest time. As with the Bunting surname, this section is speculation.

Roger Erickson suggested that the original Bunting of Ireland arrived in 1690 with William of Orange. Below, I estimate that John Bunting was born in 1785. Assuming the original Bunting was 35 years old when he came to Ireland, and allowing 30 years for a generation, then John Bunting is the great grandson of the original Bunting. Thus a tenuous link provided to generation 9 (GGGGGGG parent) where I am generation 1 (i.e. 290 years ago).

Derek Gerard Bunting

I managed to find records of this John Bunting. Dad was 5 years off. He was born in 1790, and died in 1867. John's wife was Jane ((nee O'Laracey) b. 1792 in Ireland, died 1873 in Lurgan, County Down, Ireland). John is also mentioned on this page as the father of James (bpt. 30 Oct, 1816), Allan (bpt. 5 May, 1820), and Mary (bpt. 23 Dec 1826) in Magheralin.

Interestingly, a Joseph Bunting is also listed as bpt. 11 Jul 1824 at Magheralin; son of John & Jane Bunting ; married Mary Craig 26 Oct 1849 at Magheralin.

A William John Bunting is listed as bpt. 1847, son of James Bunting & Jane Armstrong ;a farm labourer aged 24; arrived in Lyttelton, New Zealand on board ' Crusader' (1058 tons) which left Gravesend 12 Oct 1872 & arrived 5 Jan 1873 under Capt. Sutherland; with his wife Sarah aged 22 & son William John aged 1; also his sister Miss Mary Bunting aged 18, a dairymaid. This doesn't make sense unless William John was baptised as an adult.

I managed to find even earlier records than Dad. John's father was Eveas Buntin (different spelling b. circa 1765 in Moira, County Down, Ireland, d. ????), and John's mother was Ann Buntin (b. circa 1766 - ????, also born in Moira, County Down, Ireland). Eveas is also mentioned here (Same link Allan and his family is in) as 'husband of Ann ; father of John bpt. 26 Dec 1790 at Moira Church of Ireland'.

(No proof: It's possible this John Bunting's ancestor is the John Buntinge listed here in the Hearth Money Rolls of Various Co. Tyrone Parishes, or James Bunting mentioned here.)

Dad's family were some of the first immigrants to NZ through John and Jane's son Allan (Dad had him incorrectly as Allen). John Bunting and his wife Jane Bunting had two sons, Allan (born 1820, though most likely 1824, see below, in Antrim, Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK, died January 11, 1906 in Sefton, Waimakariri, Canterbury, New Zealand) and James (1840 (apparently), also in Antrim, Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK). Allan is also mentioned in the Bunting page here and birthdate, it must be the same person though, they travelled with the right people).

Allan is also mentioned here, alongside a lot of other Buntings (also Buntins), that I am yet to sort through.

b. 5 May 1820, son of John & Jane Buntin (sic, Tim); married Mrs. Margaret Baxter (nee Reilly) 26 Jun 1852 ; a farm labourer aged 40; with his wife Margaret aged 38 & children Sarah aged 13, Thomas aged 10, Jane, 8 John 6, Margaret 5, Mary 2, Fanny an infant, arrived in Lyttelton, New Zealand on board 'British Empire' (2600 tons) 6 Sep 1864; left London 15 May 1864 under Capt Thomas B. Callenan

Ros Davies' Co. Down, Northern Ireland Family History Research Site

Allan and his family travelled to NZ on the British Empire in 1864 arriving in Lyttelton on 6th September. His name was listed Mr. Allan Bunting, (b. 1824), aged 40, British farm labourer travelling from Gravesend, UK. Records of their sailing can be found here and here with their ages listed, with an in-depth article of their sailing here.

Allan and his wife Margaret (nee Reilly, born 1821, died July 30, 1902 (80-81) Canterbury, New Zealand), came to New Zealand with their children Thomas (1854-1881), Jane (1855 - ????), John (1858 - 1930, died in New Zealand), Margaret Annie Hayman (b. December 13, 1859 in Magheralin, Craigavon, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom d. June 23 (72) Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand), and Fanny (circa 1858 - ????).

James Bunting, also listed as Bunton mentioned on this page could likely be Allan's brother:

of Banoge; bpt. 30 Oct 1816 , son of John & Jane Bunting; 1st married Jane Armstrong Feb 1845 in Magheralin; father of William John b. 1847 (emigrated to New Zealand onboard 'Crusader') & Benjamin bpt. 10 Feb 1854 in Magheralin & & Helena bpt. 1854 in Lisburn ( married Francis Wilson in 1881 in New Zealand & died 1920 Canterbury NZ) & Mary Jane bpt. 1855 (emigrated to New Zealand in 1871 on the' Crusader', married Alexander Beiley in 1877 New Zealand; died 1939 & James b. 1856 (married Dorothea Murray ) & Anne b. 1858 & Elizabeth bpt. 1862 in Magheralin; a widower, married Margaret Kernaghan 27 Apr 1864 ; father of Allen b. 4 Nov 1868 & Margaret b. 27 Dec 1870 (regd. Waringstown )

Our other relatives, the Dalzells, also came to NZ in 1863. The daughter of the Dalzells married one of Allen Bunting's sons, Thomas Bunting (1854-1881).

Dad, again:

Thomas and Eliza Jane Dalzell had 3 children, 2 daughters and a son. Eliza Dalzell (1858-1922) was baptised at the Cathedral of St. Anne, Belfast, in December 1858. She is thought to have arrived with her family in 1863. When Thomas died, Eliza married William Costello. I believe Thomas and Eliza lived in North Canterbury. My forebear was their son John.

Born in 1829, James A. McElwain came from Ireland to NZ in 1848 to Whanganui. He married English woman Jane Brown. Their daughter Ellen married Walter Frederick Bowes (Rose Bowes' father, Poppa's grandfather).

Derek Gerard Bunting.

John Thomas Bunting was Poppa's father.

So it goes 1. Me 2. Derek Gerard Bunting (Dad) 3. Colin Frederick John Bunting (Poppa) 4. John Thomas Bunting 5. Thomas Bunting 6. Allan Bunting 7. John Bunting 8. Eveas Bunting

Some of our relatives are buried at Leeston cemetery, namely the O’Boyle family.

My Dad's Dad (Poppa) was one of 6. It was him, Maurice, Jim, Frank (died 1946), also buried with Nana and Poppa, Gordon who lived in Lewis Pass and we visited one time, and Bert. My Great-grandfather was John Bunting, and my Great-grandmother was Rose Bowes. My great-great grandparents were Eliza Jane Costello and William Costello.

My Great-great grandfather Thomas Bunting is buried at Balcairn cemetery in Leithfield near Amberly.

Poppa (my Dad’s Dad) always told me that a train on display in a museum in Dunedin was driven by at least one of our ancestors. I might be the only person he ever told, no one else seemed to remember it, but either way, I went to Dunedin to Toitu Otago Settler’s Museum where the NZR E Class 1872 Josephine is on display. Josephine is one of two such NZD E Class 1872 engines, the other being Rose. Poppa’s mother was Rose Bowes, which is a silly name, but she was apparently a very lovely person. Rose was born in Whanganui in 1882.

While at Toitu, I inquired as to whether I could find information about the drivers of Josephine, however, I was referred to an email address (that I shall contact momentarily).

After Dunedin, I travelled to see my Aunty on my mother’s side, Annie living in Christchurch. I was intrigued by her family, I wasn’t sure on my mother’s grandparents, namely my mother’s father’s father who would have lived in Surrey, England, between the two wars (I found out his name was Alexander Barry), but while I was looking through her photos and things I found a postcard of an old train with three people sitting in front of it. On the back in pencil was written ‘Walter Bowes’ 1900.

I have since found Walter Frederick Bowes here, born Ramsgate, Kent, England in 1851, died 27 Aug 1929 (aged 77–78) (Purewa Cemetery and Crematorium). Interestingly, he died in Auckland. He wasn’t connected directly to Rose on findagrave. However, he was connected to her on Walter Frederick Bowes married Ellen McElwain and had 11 children.

My assumption from this photo is that Walter was the one who drove the Josephine. I also assume this was where he got the name Rose from. Coincidentally, or not, a few of my relatives have the name Josephine in their name. These people, for better or worse, may in fact be named after train engines from the 1870s.

Walter's parents were Thomes (this spelling must be wrong?) Bowes (1825 - 1893) and Mary Sarah Miller Nee Bowes (1827 - 1909). Since he was born in Kent, but died in Auckland, he must have moved to New Zealand. I will look for more information on him.

Poppa’s uncle Albert Edward Bowes has an interesting bio. I know it's Poppa's uncle because it lists Poppa's grandparents as Thomas and Mary Bowes.

15th March 1869
55 Plains of Waterloo
Ramsgate, Kent
(parents Thomas (a Tailor (Journeyman) Mother Mary Sarah (née MILLER)
June quarter
Thanet district
1893 Grocers Assistant (at marriage)1897 Grocers Assistant (baptism of Albert Edward)1897 Grocer (baptism of Violet Emma)
1900 Grocer (baptism of Richard William)
1901 Manager Flour Stores
1905 Manager of Grocery Department (baptism of Rachel May)
1911 Beer Seller
1939 Lavatory Attendant (L.G. Authority)
 June quarter
Epping district
Age 79
16th June 1948
Chingford Mount Cemetery
Waltham Forest



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