Found the answer? Show me.
Watched a video about snowboarding? Go out and show me you can snowboard. Got a hot insight on investing? Show me the money. Read a book about how to cook a great roast? Get into the kitchen and show me how it’s done.
The only true answer comes about through experience.
Books, blogs, videos and the like are just about showing you how it can be done. It’s up to you to actually go out there and do it for yourself.
When you ‘have’ the answer and you start something, you find that you truly don’t have the answer, yet. But through experience you can find it. Not through reading a blog post.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan
In winter, go snowboarding. In summer, visit the ocean. In autumn, take in the leaves. In spring, take in the cherry blossoms. When it snows here, it really snows. There will be snow on the ground for the majority of December to the end of February. You can either complain…
In "Blog"
One of the tricks I learned on my short stint as a cafe worker with my friend about five years ago was the rule to always have something in your hands. If you’re taking something out to your patrons, pick something up on your way back. That way you can…
In "Blog"
There are a lot of lessons to be taken when it comes to skiing and snowboarding, but my favourite is that when you feel as though you are about to fall over, a lot of the time you can more easily than it seems just push yourself back up. Although…
In "Blog"