Hit Publish and mean it

shallow focus of japanese calligraphy

When you do calligraphy, there is no such thing as a second take. If you write the character but forget a spot, that's it. No adjustments.

When you make a website, everything is changeable. If you want to change the photos or the copy on the website, it's usually not that hard to do. Everything is a work in progress. Everything gets better over time with subtle and sometimes huge adjustments.

Physical books and YouTube videos are different though. Once something is out in the world, it's out in the world. Everything is a work in progress until you hit that publish button. No adjustments, only amendments and additions.

This blog isn't published because it's ready. It's published because it's today. Sure, since it's electronic I could go back and change things, and with things like typos I sometimes do, but then you lose the advantage of it being today. Much like that first calligraphy character, no second takes, no adjustments, no amendments, no additions.

Hit publish and mean it.



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Tim Bunting AKA Kiwi Yamabushi on Zao-san
You can do it if you try
Tim Bunting AKA Kiwi Yamabushi on Zao-san
Stuck in a loop
Tim Bunting AKA Kiwi Yamabushi on Zao-san
Play to your strengths


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Two things to keep in mind when trying to teach something
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Consumption versus Production
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Paths are made by walking


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Lean in
young active skater leaping high in park
Fancy never comes first
An excuse to explore your options
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Get In Touch

Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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