
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi on Mt. Gassan



I write a blog every day. Here are the most recent posts.

February 10, 2020

If you love something, you would invest in it to ensure its long term survival. The problem is, when you don’t see the future potential, and you are stuck in a conservative way of thinking, it can be hard to want to invest. My argument is to not think too much in terms of money …

Not enough love Read More »

February 9, 2020

One of the Japanese guys I was with commented that the bus drivers we have had with us during our time here in New Zealand have all been colourful in terms of personality. And it’s true. It’s true because our culture allows this, whereas that’s just not the case in Japan. In Japan there’s a …

Bus drivers full of colour Read More »

February 8, 2020

Growth only occurs in a state of discomfort. I had never thought of it so simply. I had come to the same conclusion, but in the opposite way. That the more discomfort, the greater the growth. These life events that cause great discomfort, these events are free chances for growth. Really that’s the only way …

Opportunities for growth Read More »

February 7, 2020

Just got to get this out of the way but in Japan the thing that’s getting in the way of governmental progress is the government itself. People probably have heard of the ridiculous bureaucracy in Japan, and I assure you it’s true. The extent to which it is though is usually quite surprising, but I’m …

Bureaucracy in Japan Read More »

February 6, 2020

I met some young people today who were either just starting their careers or studying to do so. They asked me about translation from Japanese into English and I want to just write up what I said to them for future reference. It’s obvious you need to practice your understanding of Japanese. I didn’t really …

What to practice to become a Japanese to English translator Read More »

February 6, 2020

Yamabushido training provides direction to those who need it. It’s for those who have maybe lost their way a little bit, or for those looking for the next step in life. But it got me thinking that if you don’t have direction, if you don’t have motion in a positive direction, are you lost? I …

If you don’t have direction, are you lost? Read More »

February 4, 2020

While of course I want everyone to read everything I write when I write something, I accept that this is quite a lofty goal. I’m currently writing a long form essay on Dewasanzan.com and I have a specific audience in mind, those wanting to learn about Japanese culture, and religion in particular, but I accept …

Different roles for the same thing Read More »


Here are a few samples of what you find in my newsletter, Mountains of Wisdom.


Here are a few posts of my adventures climbing the 100 Famous Mountains of Yamagata.


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