
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi on Mt. Gassan



I write a blog every day. Here are the most recent posts.

February 23, 2020

My blog settings meant that you could only see the three most recent posts, and three random posts. I changed it so you can go back further, but I’m wondering if this will be enough. I think I’ll make a recent posts page where you can see a whole lot at once, that might work …

Making everything available Read More »

February 22, 2020

Self-responsibility is really what it’s all about. When you’re in a group situation, you don’t have to do what the group chooses. Especially in teenage years, where it can be cool to do things just because your peers are doing so, you still gotta have self-responsibility. We act differently in group situations, and especially when …

Self-responsibility Read More »

February 21, 2020

We’ve all got to have some risk that we’re taking that has the potential to take off. It keeps you excited and motivated and keeps things interesting. Once your content, you lose motivation to proceed, so you’ve got to be working for something constantly. Taking a risk is a good way to do this, within …

What risk are you taking? Read More »

February 20, 2020

I guess I should start with what it is, at least my impression of it, and why I joined up. First up, what is it? The Podcasting Fellowship is an online workshop, one of the Akimbo workshops initiated by Seth Godin. I believe it is a community-based way to start a podcast. Seth has authored …

The Podcast Fellowship Experience: Day One Read More »

February 20, 2020

When you see this number, you know what it means right? That’s right, the maximum weight a suitcase can be on a flight. Self control is a huge factor for humans. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to do much. And restrictions such as 23kgs help us stay in control too. That’s why my suitcase …

23kgs Read More »

people inside room

February 19, 2020

Christchurch New Zealand is building back and doing it right. Personality abounds, although there are still the same chain stores, there are some really cool places that show off the characteristics of the city. Thats the way to do it, and I’m glad they took their time at doing so, although it’s easy for me …

Personality abounds Read More »

February 18, 2020

Overall, I'd say Japan. The cost of living in NZ is so high people struggle just to stay afloat let alone start a business. Housing is the main cause of this, quite obviously. People spend so much of their income just to put a roof over their head, plus the no capital gains tax thing …

Which country has a better environment for setting up a business? Japan or New Zealand? Read More »


Here are a few samples of what you find in my newsletter, Mountains of Wisdom.


Here are a few posts of my adventures climbing the 100 Famous Mountains of Yamagata.


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