
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi on Mt. Gassan



I write a blog every day. Here are the most recent posts.

March 1, 2020

I went past where my dad worked today. He passed away four years ago now, but it reminded me of a conversation I had one time when I took him there. My dad did not like his job. He was just doing it for the paycheck. If you don’t know how long you’ll be on …

Do something you like, or gtfo Read More »

February 29, 2020

Concentration requires quiet. Quiet mind, quiet room, quiet heart. Get these three, and you can have concentration. Even fooling yourself that you have these three works, but it is never easy, and it requires patience. Ironically, becoming quiet requires patience. Patience with yourself, patience with others, patience with the world. Get this, and you can …

Concentration requires quiet which requires patience Read More »

February 28, 2020

This is normal. This is also normal. I tried this, and it felt normal, but it most definitely wasn't normal. Yeah, although it'll feel normal, that's probably not going to be normal. What about this? I feel if more people did this, it could become normal. There aren't enough people saying that's normal. I think …

It’s a normality Read More »

February 27, 2020

Why are you uniquely suited to produce and host this podcast? My identity as a non-Japanese Bilingual Yamabushi means that I have access to thousands of years' worth of ancient knowledge and philosophy right in front of my eyes, coupled with the ability to portray that in native English. After a few years of translating, …

The Podcasting Fellowship: Why me? Read More »

February 26, 2020

I’d rather be healthy and poor than not healthy and rich beyond my wildest dreams. Looking after yourself should be more important than any job, always. Whenever you’re out on a run, think of it as adding to your health. The same thing goes for when you eat. Always choose something healthy, health is wealth.

February 25, 2020

Even at the age of 31, I’m amazed how often I say these words to myself. Isn’t it amazing that after all this time, you still find a way to talk yourself out of the littlest things that when put together, become the biggest things? Being able to get past these seemingly little tasks must …

That wasn’t so hard, was it? Read More »

laptop and mic on tripod in studio before recording vlog

February 24, 2020

Day One: Task One, choose a title! Of course! Well, you don't have to set anything in stone, they ask for a few options for working titles, with a short description on what the show will be about. Luckily we can change this anytime throughout the course 🙂 We have to imagine who the target …

The Podcasting Fellowship: Working Podcast Title Read More »


Here are a few samples of what you find in my newsletter, Mountains of Wisdom.


Here are a few posts of my adventures climbing the 100 Famous Mountains of Yamagata.


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