
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi on Mt. Gassan



I write a blog every day. Here are the most recent posts.

April 12, 2019

When my Nana passed away a few years back, I was looking through her stuff as any good grandchild would. She had actually hidden a massive pile of sentimental stuff, like family photos from more than 100 years ago, and scrapbooks of things that is grandchildren and great-grandchildren had written her. Well, in amongst it …

Audience Read More »

April 11, 2019

'Choose to do nothing, or write' -Neil Gaiman. Words to live by. This particular part of Tim Ferriss' recent podcast really struck me. The basic premise is this: give yourself the permission to only do two things; 1) nothing, or 2) the thing you set out to do originally, in Neil Gaiman's case, write. According …

The Power of Doing Nothing Read More »

April 10, 2019

Don't do it. I'm about to embark on a journey. It's a journey I've done multiple times, only this time it's different. This time it's the same journey, only with a new leader. That in itself is enough to excuse ill preparation. I could do minimal preparation and then at the end say 'it's ok, …

Leaving things up to chance Read More »

April 9, 2019

By writing, you hold your thoughts accountable. Putting them down onto the page, or screen in my case, puts them out into the world, and putting anything out into the world means putting them up for scrutiny. This means you have to have a strong argument, otherwise it will be ripped apart. Sometimes I put …

Writing Accountability Read More »

April 8, 2019

Of course it's good to care about what those who mind think about you, but I don't think you should listen to it all the time. If they have compelling arguments, listen. If their arguments don't stack up in your mind, don't worry. If they were truly dear to you they should have an unconditional …

Care about others, but don’t care about them Read More »

April 7, 2019

When we recently went to NZ, my wife pointed out that many of the shops had changed in the short period of time, one year, since we had been there. What that shows to me, is that the café and restaurant business in Wellington is a tough one. Restaurants that I felt were excellent had …

A Business Case Read More »

April 6, 2019

Just before I was at my uni's commencement ceremony, which is an event to mark the start of the school year. Well, when the grad students were giving their introductory remarks, one student commented on how wonderful it was that everyone standing with him was different in a number of ways; different nationality, different hometown, …

Standing out Read More »


Here are a few samples of what you find in my newsletter, Mountains of Wisdom.


Here are a few posts of my adventures climbing the 100 Famous Mountains of Yamagata.


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