Lessons are everywhere on the mountains

I don’t want to sound like a broken record but when you have to do things like walk on snow or walk a path that is completely uneven, such as on Mt. Gassan or even Mt. Haguro, it basically forces you to be in the moment. Any slip could be disastrous, so your only choice is to concentrate on being in the moment. That’s but one reason why lessons are everywhere on the mountains.

Our lives are becoming more and more convenient. This means that more and more we don’t have to think, and in turn we don’t have to be in the moment. If we live forever convenient lives, we start to live them on autopilot, which means we do things unconsciously. This also means we are able to put the responsibility of our actions on others. By doing things that put us in the moment, we can more easily actively and consciously do things that lead to more fulfillment, and less regret.



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The right to complain
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Bred for bread


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All you need to do
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Tim Bunting AKA KiwiYamabushi playing the Horagai Conch on Mt. Kinbo during the winter. Photo by David Lips
There’s nothing you can do until the conch is blown, so you might as well sleep


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What’s important?
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Lucky escapes keep you in check
Chokai-san (Mt. Chokai)
Shugendo isn’t an answer to everything
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Get In Touch

Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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