One Advantage of Daily Disciplines

Use this the next time you’re not feeling up to it

Being able to switch on when you have to is not an easy thing all the time. Being able to switch on when you actively don’t want to is a whole other story.

Having a regular discipline, and sticking to it, is one way to combat this.

A daily discipline, any daily discipline, helps because you get on a streak. You get to the point where you would really rather not ruin the streak. This can be motivation enough to do something when you’re really not feeling it.

You have to be lenient on yourself though. If you fail one day, it’s not the end of the world. Just pick it up again. You can also do exclusively five days of the week, or something along those lines.

Also helpful is allowing the bare minimum to count as a pass for the day. It may only be ceremonious, but it at least counts. It makes a huge difference for when you’re fully back on your feet, because now you’re not starting from scratch again.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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