
Reputation gets in the way. If you have an idea about someone before you meet them it clouds your judgment about them. It's better not to have any preconceptions about people so that when you meet them you judge them for their character not for how they live up to their reputation.

When you are introducing someone to someone else before they actually meet them what do you say? Be careful how you introduce new people because you even though you may try to make them look better it's not what they want or it might not be in their best interests. I think it's better to take the Yamabushi approach and don't give any expectations whatsoever if possible. Maybe you can say they are a good or very good person, something like that that should be enough.

I've met some people who I later found out to have been either extremely famous or extremely wealthy. If I had known that before I got to meet these people I think I would have been somewhat taken aback or afraid of how I was to interact with them and it would have affected how I interacted with them. However without knowing their reputation, I was able to meet them as face-to-face as equals. This meant I got to know them without any filters, and I think this is the best way to get to know people.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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