The option to learn

In waterpolo, and I think it'd be the same for soccer and basketball, if you're the keeper, or if you're where the keeper would be, you never pass the ball down the centre of the field unless you can be 100% certain it can't be intercepted. You always take the easiest option to get the ball up the field.

In life, when you're presented with options, some easy, some hard, it pays to take the option that you will learn the most from. This is almost always the hardest option. Sometimes you're presented with a hard option, and you have the choice to not do anything. For example, talking on behalf of a group. You have the option to be quiet and let someone else speak, or you have the option to take the initiative and speak for the group. If the option to speak up will teach you the most, or at least increase your skills in some way, then really you don't have an option.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Get In Touch

Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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