Understanding and experiencing things for yourself

man in brown jacket and brown hat standing on rock near lake

When you receive information in the language it was originally made in, you gain a better understanding for yourself. When things have been translated or otherwise interpreted already, there is an added layer that means you lose the chance to learn things for yourself. That’s why learning a second language is so beneficial, so you can learn things first hand, but this isn’t limited to language learning.

The same can be said for experiences.

When you experience something first hand, rather than as an account of someone who does, the experience changes completely. The experience becomes the experience, and that is the only way to gain a proper understanding.

So when people haven’t experienced what you have, you need to give them a break. You need to understand that they do not understand, and that they may not even need to understand, but that that is perfectly fine.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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