Working remotely

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi at Yamadera in Yamagata Prefecture

Opportunities to work in new ways. Opportunities to connect in new ways. Opportunities to empower in new ways. Opportunities to improve the lives of others in new ways.

Remote work. This is the perfect chance to reflect on work at all. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Who do you seek to serve? And importantly, what opportunities does remote work give you? Of course there are disadvantages, but we must remember this situation also breeds opportunity.

Seth Godin made a very succinct podcast episode about the practical considerations for our transition to remote work, noting that the pandemic had sped teleworking up by about 3-5 years (and by a couple of decades in Japan’s case -my words).

I love Seth’s work because he is so easily able to articulate ideas in understandable bites. One underlying theme I find is his questioning of why we even do the things we do. Why is there an education system? (See his famous talk ‘Stop Stealing Dreams’), and likewise, why even work?

The premise of why we should work is to create a better world ‘make things better by making better things’. Let’s give this remote work thing a good run for its money, and make things better!



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person writing on a notebook beside macbook
Focus and control
painting of a boxer on wall
Hit back
soccer stadium
Hold the ball


Why are you so busy?
black and white photo of clocks
Give it time
For want of something to complain about


photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees
Trust in the process
photo of person riding kayak during dawn
Stay humble
clear hour glass on frame
Waiting for the magic to happen
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Get In Touch

Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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