A license for freedom

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Randomly, two young friends of mine have essentially been kicked out of the house they grew up in. For whatever reason, their parents / guardians decided they weren’t going to look after them anymore, and they left them to their own devices.

For me, it’s been a few years now, but the house I grew up in has since been sold, and I don’t have a physical house in New Zealand anymore. It’s not the same, but I understand the feeling of not having a place you called home since birth be a place you still call home.

It would be nice.

It would also be unrealistic.

No longer bound by the shackles of living up to your parents’ expectations, you can quite literally do what you want. You can choose for yourself how you want to live your life, without hearing a word from your so-called guardians.

This does come with a lot of responsibility, but you’re a pretty smart person, you can work it out. At the very least your parents / guardians think so, and so should you.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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