
When my Nana passed away a few years back, I was looking through her stuff as any good grandchild would. She had actually hidden a massive pile of sentimental stuff, like family photos from more than 100 years ago, and scrapbooks of things that is grandchildren and great-grandchildren had written her.

Well, in amongst it all, I found my granddad's memoirs that he wrote just before he died. When I read it, I was instantly reminded of his stern voice with a slight British accent that he hadn't gotten rid of after more than half a century not living in Britain. That was when I realised the written word's ability to transport people into a different time and place.

They say that if you have someone in particular in mind that you can write well. I'm not sure how many people actually read my blog besides myself, but the point isn't to build an audience. Of course I'd be happy to do so, but my target audience is probably a bit different than you'd think.

If you have been following my writing, you would know that I have lost my father. I learned a lot of lessons from Dad that I wish to pass on. I also wish to leave something for my descendants to reference when they want to hear how their ancestors lived, in the way that my granddad did for me.

Long story short, the audience I have in mind is none other than myself, and my children (and maybe my wife). Anyone else that can benefit from this is just an added bonus.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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