Kia ora Koutou, I'm Tim Bunting, The Kiwi Yamabushi. I am a practicing Dewa Sanzan Yamabushi Japanese mountain ascetic (What's a Yamabushi?). I have been living in Yamagata, Tohoku, north Japan, since 2010. Since 2016, I have trained as a yamabushi under Master Fumihiro Hoshino through Daishobo pilgrim's lodge on Haguro-san, and through Dewa Sanzan Jinja. If you want to find out more about how you too can train in the ways of Shugendo, check out (tell them I sent you).
In my spare time I write stories about the overlooked side of Japan, namely up here in the Tohoku region. I write a daily blog, have a newsletter with over 1,000 subscribers, have a YouTube channel also with over 1,000 subscribers, and am on most socials as @kiwiyamabushi.
I am currently on a mission to summit and document all 100 Famous Mountains of Yamagata.
I am available for online consultation, public speaking in both English and Japanese, and I am able to guide you on The Dewa Sanzan mountains by working through or As a Master Yamabushi and the creator of, I believe I am the most knowledgable native English speaker on these three mountains.
My newsletter articles are free to read on Substack for a week, but you can just get them sent to your email for free if you subscribe. After that, they are only available to paid subscribers. However, articles that get more than 1,000 reads I put here so everyone can enjoy them. All of the articles can be found here.
Here are some of my Daily Yamabushi posts. Get more here.
Since the beginning of 2019, I have been blogging daily. I started thanks to advice from Seth Godin, who has blogged daily for around 20 years (if I understand correctly) and has more than 7000 blog posts. I have always been amazed at Seth's ability not just to communicate ideas, but to come up with …
In Steven Pressfield's The War of Art he quotes the principle of priority that states: A) You must know the difference between what's urgent and what's important, and: B) You must do what's important first. This is a principle I try to follow. Not only does it help remind you of your mission, it reminds …
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan
All photos my own unless otherwise stated. Contact for more.