Daily reality, immediate reality
Meditative experiences that put you into the moment, such as meditation, being out in nature, and often cardiovascular exercise, take you away from your daily reality, and into your immediate reality.
I see these meditative experiences as being a ‘check in’ with your self, to make sure you’re still there and not on robotic mode. They allow you to think with your body and your surroundings, not with your head. Or as I like to put it, they take you from your daily reality to your immediate reality.
Constantly being in your immediate reality is a skill we all need to at least work towards, so that we’re not always living in our heads where overthinking can cause mental harm.
Start meditating, exercise, and go out into nature. These experiences help us discover our own immediate reality, and help bring us back down to earth.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan