February 18, 2019
Haruki Murakami was asked what he thinks about when he runs. His answer was that only someone who doesn't run would ask that question. What an awesome response! It's like that whole, if you're worrying about the meaning of life, you're not living thing. Basically, it's the doing that counts, not what to think of …
February 17, 2019
Don't change your mind twice if it affects someone else. Recently I was working on a joint project with another group, and that other group claimed full ownership part-way through. They were able to do that because we didn't have a formal agreement, and they did have a rightful claim, but of course I was …
February 14, 2019
With ownership comes opportunity. If you own something, you own the rights to what it makes. With ownership comes responsibility. If you own something, you are responsible. With ownership, if you complain, you better do something about it. Without ownership, if you complain, you can't do anything about it. If you don't own anything, you …
February 13, 2019
Not being able to talk fast enough for the current pace of conversation, and not being able to elucidate yourself, besides the obvious frustration of not having your opinion heard, can be a bit of a struggle for second language learners. But, as with everything, there is a silver lining. And although that silver lining …
February 12, 2019
A few years back I was invited to speak at an event in Sakata called Moshieno University (Moshieno is the word for interesting in Shonai dialect). At the Q&A session at the end, I had a very good question, which was: how were you able to extend your network so much while in Japan? Now, … Build Your Network and Influence: Networking in Japan Read More »
Here are a few posts of my adventures climbing the 100 Famous Mountains of Yamagata.