If you’re still in the race, you give it your best.
New Zealand sports teams have a habit of getting complacent. We have been on the receiving end of some harrowing comebacks, where we simply weren’t ruthless enough to push the advantage home.
At the same time, however, NZ has also been on the other side of the equation. Managing to pull a victory back from the brink (in yachting and cricket).
This is all to say, even if it seems like the game is already over, never concede until the fat lady sings her lungs out.
When a seemingly finishing blow is dealt, it’s easy to concede even just a little. This is the time you need to buckle down and step up to the plate. This is the time you need to look at the game from a long term perspective and show the belief you have in yourself to make it through.
Sure, you may lose. But if you don’t give it your best shot, the chances you will grow exponentially.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan
Japan has an entirely unnecessary relationship with stamping things and doing things on paper, and today it meant I had to physically go to the post office to send something that in the 21st century can be done by email. I know this is just a rant, but I'm not…
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