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a diving board near the swimming pool

Thinking can come later

This may sound strange at first, but my experience as a yamabushi led to my decision to subscribe to Audible.

I was getting a bit bored of having the same podcasts on repeat, and I also felt myself not getting enough mental stimulation (I blame YouTube for that). Living in rural Japan there isn’t the same access to like-minded individuals as in other places. They are there of course, but they have their own lives too, and can only do so much.

So, for the longest time I was humming and hawing over whether to make the purchase. But in the end I realised my biggest reason not to was whether I’d actually be able to get value out of it.

And, of course, the only way to know for sure was the yamabushi way, to try first.

Not acting on an inkling won’t teach you anything. Acting on it will. So if you’re humming and hawing over a decision like this, jump straight in.

Thinking can come later.



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brown liquid pouring on black and white ceramic mug selective color photography
The best you can do
man person flying arm
Unashamedly Myself
gray monk statue in between plant pots
Unpredictability breeds


clear hour glass on frame
When later comes
muggs of tea placed on wooden border
Climbing Mt. Chokai every day
black and white dartboard
How can we win? Forever in your favour


fire and charcoal with black background
The Slow Burn
man in suit jacket standing beside projector screen
Get to the point
What are the top 10 most surprising things about working in Japan that you wish you had known before you started.
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Get In Touch

Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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