Making Sourdough Starter (I.e. procrastinating)
I just got back from Kiwiland and had an inkling to make sourdough bread, so I began to make some starter less than an hour ago. The problem? I’m already wanting to use it! It takes 24 hours before I’m next meant to do anything to it, but I’m really keen to check the progress, even though I only just put it on.
What’s up with that? I’ll tell you what’s up with that. It’s my way of procrastinating. There are a number of things I have to get done, and making sourdough starter is not one of them. It’s amazing how easy it is for us to get off track, and I have to set myself rules, such as amounts of time of work to do before taking a rest.
If you’ve put your mind to something, at least give it a decent shot before going on to something else. Otherwise we’d never get anything done!
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan