Satisfaction, Hunger, Presence

men standing on the white snow

On the How I Built This podcast, Guy Raz always asks his guests whether they think it was luck or skill that got them to where they are. My answer to this question is simple.

100% luck. No question.

That we received life, out of how many trillion chances, that in itself is a miracle. That we weren’t born a dog or a cat, that we were born in this age with all the benefits that come along with it.

We need gratitude to be satisfied, but at the same time we also need direction to keep us moving. We also need hunger.

That is why you should always have something on the go. Something for you that only you can do. Something that has the potential to be huge, or not, whatever floats your boat.

Always be hungry. Always be on the search for your next big thing. This is your driving force, this is what keeps you positive.

Satisfaction is for something in the past. Hunger is for something in the future. What about the now?

In the now all we need is presence. In the now all we need to do is to be in the moment.

Satisfaction, hunger, presence.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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