Suboptimal to optimal

photo of planner and writing materials

Be ok to start with suboptimal

Take the creative process down to its core elements.

Then get creative.

You don’t need fancy technology or advanced designs or anything to make stuff. All you need is your brain, and a canvas of some sort. That and some sort of deadline or incentive to make sure you are pumping stuff out on a regular basis.

If your infatuation with the technology or design means you aren’t pumping stuff out on a regular basis, then it is hindering your creativity and needs to be ignored.

It may be suboptimal, at first at least, but regular production is paramount when it comes to getting to optimal.

Increase the frequency of production to a sustainable level and then all you need to focus on is incremental improvements in quality.

Soon enough you will get to better quality but this time with the added benefit of quantity to give you that all important boost.

Suboptimal to optimal, in other words.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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