Tailwinds and headwinds
I used to bike 10k one way to get to and from work. When I left in the morning, there was always a headwind, and by the time I came back in the afternoon, the wind had changed, and there was another headwind. On the off chance that there was a tailwind, I was very fast, it took less than 20 minutes sometimes.
When you get them, tailwinds are a godsend. On the surface at least. It’s when you have to turn around and you have a headwind that things get tough. Learning how to make the most of both is an important life lesson.
When you have a tailwind, bear in mind that a headwind will come, and use that as motivation to push hard while the going gets good. When you have a headwind, bear in mind that a tailwind will come, and that you just have to push through it until then.
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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan