A Matter of Doing

colorful puzzle pieces with scrabble tiles

Lessons in disguise

I watched a video yesterday where a little boy was putting the final piece in what looked like a rather difficult puzzle. The thing was, he was quite a small kid, and to get the piece in, he had to climb on top of the puzzle. True to form, the kid slipped, and brought the puzzle down with him along the edge of the table.

It’s easy to feel dejected with something like this. You’ve put in so much effort just to see that effort squandered.

Or so it seems.

By getting that far, you’ve well and truly proven that you have what it takes to get the job done. You’ve proven you know what the job entails, and that you know where there are potential pitfalls.

These are extremely valuable lessons for the next time around, which if the enjoyment gained from the first time around is anything to go by, there most certainly will be.

Now it’s just a matter of doing it.



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Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

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Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan 


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