Lifetime learning

Learning a second language and learning to swim are two things that have provided me with unlimited benefits. These days teaching is all about teaching for life, and these two things are pretty good examples of just that. I’m so grateful for having the opportunity to do both.

First, I swam 10k this week. First time in probably 7 or 8 years, at least I haven’t done so since coming to Sakata (2014 for reference). The outdoor pool definitely makes it easier. Once you’re used to 50m laps, it gets easier to swim longer because it doesn’t feel as long. I wouldn’t have been able to do this if it weren’t for the support I got from my parents when I was little.

Same thing goes for Japanese. When I was doing my study abroad, I remember it was hell not being able to communicate freely. It was extremely tiring, I would spend the night binging on English TV shows. These days, I don’t get tired with Japanese at all, I can use it all day and even dream in Japanese and not get tired. This wouldn’t have been possible were it not for the support I got from my parents either.

That’s why lifelong learning and teaching things for life is important. And it’s important to play it forward too.



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pink water lily flower on water
The Principle of Priority and swimming
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Visible and invisible advantages
man in black coat listening to music
The unforgettable old men


Lotus flowers
Mindful of the moment
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Saying no
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Proactive and reactive


Setting up is the hard part, from there it’s just ideas
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Constantly putting your best foot forward
Cultural Customs
Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Tim Bunting Kiwi Yamabushi

Get In Touch

Sakata City, Yamagata, Japan

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